Safety of our city centre at nighttime for visitors, residents and workers is a top priority for us. Behind the scenes we work closely with many organisations and businesses including Chelmsford city council, Open Road and Pubwatch to help ensure our city is a safe environment. The below campaigns and initiatives are what we currently have in place across the city centre.


Chelmsford For You, Karen Whybro and Chelmsford City Council have worked together to deliver a Women’s Safety Charter that we actively encourage every single business in the city to sign up to. In doing so, they are committing to becoming a Safe Space for any woman in a situation where they feel unsafe. Signage showing that they are a Safe Space will be made visible within their business. A dedicated member of staff (minimum 1), will receive training in how to deal with situations in which a woman may enter the space and need support with no judgement. Businesses signing up to the Charter commit to ensuring that Women’s Safety is a top priority.


Anti-spiking kits have been co-funded by Open Road and Chelmsford For You. These are located in venues throughout the city centre.


Chelmsford has received Purple Flag accreditation for its night-time economy for an 11th year in a row, with a commendation for the high standard of coordination of services in the city. Assessors found Chelmsford to be ‘above standard’ in all five of the core Purple Flag themes, with an ‘outstanding’ award for partnership working.

Purple Flag aims to both raise the standard and broaden the appeal of town and city centres between the hours of 5pm and 5am. The prestigious scheme found that the city has once again demonstrated its commitment to creating a dynamic, secure and vibrant evening and night-time economy, increasing its score on the previous year.


Chelmsford Pubwatch is made up of …X… venues and partners who regularly meet to discuss initiatives and issues directly effecting our evening and nighttime economy.

Chelmsford Pubwatch objectives:

- Reduce crime and anti-social behaviour in licensed premises

- Create a safe drinking environment in licensed premises

- Provide a space for venues to communicate with each other and relevant authorities

- Enhance the experience and wellbeing of staff and customers

Meetings are held bi-monthly in a city centre location. If you would like further info or be added to the Pubwatch newsletter please contact:


The Publink system links nighttime economy security staff in the city centre with the CCTV Control Room. It features a two-way radio system to connect local businesses in real time, to help when an incident occurs. It can help deter criminal activity and improves the safety of everyone who visits, lives and works in Chelmsford.


Ask for Angela is the not for profit scheme that aims to ensure that anyone who is feeling vulnerable or unsafe is able to get the support they need. This could be on a night out, on a date, meeting friends and other situations. Find out more here.


Find out more about Open Road’s Chelmsford SOS Bus here. If you would like to be part of this important service and are interested in volunteering please contact: